Monday, November 16, 2009

Last Week of MicroAq

This week there was a significant water loss from the previous weeks, this was actually the first week that there was any change in water level. As far as the activity, there was also much less activity by the organisms this week than any other week, as if the organisms that were still alive were fighting for the food that was left.
Saw more activity by the Lacrymaria that were found last week were still alive and it seems as though they had grown, at-least the necks had. The length of the necks on all the Lacrymaria I looked at had much longer necks this week. Also from last week the seed shrimp that seems so plentiful were now mostly dead, I could not really find any that were still living.
Some new discoveries were two flat worms that I was not able to identify, some cyannobacteria, also some colonial and filamentous green algae. I also w
as able to see a lonesome desmid of the pleurotaenium ehrenbergii genus. (Handbook of algae, Herman Silva Forest, University of Tennessee Press Knoxville 1954, p. 248)

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