Thursday, November 5, 2009


This week, while observing the microaquarium, I still saw particles of the "Atison's Betta Food", made by Ocean Nutrition in Salt Lake City, Utah still in the water. The ingredients of the betta food are as follows: fish meal, wheat flower, soy meal, krill meal, minerals, vitamins and preservatives that make up for 36% Crude protein, 4.5% of Crude fat, 3.5% Crude fiber, 8% moisture and 15% Ash.

Also, I was able to identify a number of organisms throughout the microaquarium. One organism that I saw plenty of were the Seed Shrimp, which were moving very rapidly and feeding just as fast. I captured a picture of two Seed Shrimp, one which is dead and has a Difflugia attached to it.

The one on the left is the one that's dead and the black spot behind it is the Difflugia.
Although the picture does not show a clear image of the Difflugia, I captured a video of one moving around.
In the video you can see how slow these Seed Shrimp actually move across the surface of the micro-aquarium. Difflugia are heterotrophs that use pseudopods to move as they engulf their food. Within the pseudopods I also saw cytoplasmic streaming that may not show up on the video.

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